What’s New at Quantabio?


sparQ DNA Library Kit

DNA Library Prep with sparQ

More Libraries. More Sequencing. More Savings. Quantabio is committed to reducing the library prep cost to help scientists unlock vital genetic information for a variety of sequencing applications.

Identifying the best PCR enzyme for library amplification in NGS for both short and long read sequencing

repliQa HiFi ToughMix

Identifying the best PCR enzyme for library amplification in NGS for both short and long read sequencing, as published in Microbial Genomics

Webinar: crossing the limits of cDNA synthesis

On-Demand Webinar

Watch our latest webinar “Crossing the limits of cDNA synthesis”



PCR & qPCR ToughMixes Engineered For Difficult Samples
ToughMixes neutralize problem-causing inhibitors present in crude samples, avoiding expensive and time-consuming purification steps.
Blood Sample

Avoid DNA polymerase, nucleic acid, and other common PCR inhibitors in crude blood samples with Quantabio ToughMixes.

Dried Blood Spots

Overcome the limitations of sensitivity and specificity in dried blood samples with Quantabio’s advanced ToughMixes.

Plant & Soil

Our ToughMix reagents withstand common PCR-suppressive compounds in plant & soil samples, such as phenols, polysaccharides, and humic acid.

sparQ Sequencing Solutions

Improve Sequencing Performance
& Reduce Costs

Quantabio offers complete library prep solutions for Illumina NGS platforms. High-quality reagents deliver unmatched efficiency and robust performance to ensure reliable and reproducible sequencing results while reducing total costs.

Compatible Workflows
Whole genome
Whole transcriptome
Target capture
Key Benefits
Higher yields
Better coverage
Greater uniformity
Easier workflows
Lower total costs

Library Preparation

HiFi Amplification

Purification &
Size Selection
Library Quantification
Customer Testimonials
PerfeCTa SYBR Green FastMix

"With the PerfeCTa SYBR Green FastMix we had less variability in our triplicates and more reproducible results between repeat experiments."

With the PerfeCTa SYBR Green FastMix we had less variability in our triplicates and more reproducible results between repeat experiments. | Professor, UCSF
repliQa HiFi ToughMix

"All I can say from testing repliQa HiFi ToughMix is that the results are jaw-dropping. The Platinum™ SuperFi II PCR Master Mix did nothing in the same amount of time under the same conditions. The assay I was testing out is a new way to amplify entire mitogenomes as a single amplicon (~15kb). This is a game changer, cutting the PCR time from ~8.5hrs to 1.5hrs, and way more product is generated. I am not often floored by data, but these results are amazing. I have another project I am working on with this assay and I am going to switch to this polymerase for sure. Good work Quantabio!"

A. K. | Post Doc, BCM
sparQ PureMag Beads

“I used the sparQ PureMag beads for mRNA purification after in vitro transcription. The sparQ beads demonstrated an excellent recovery (~98%) and could be used for size selection of the desired mRNA product. Highly recommended."

Postdoctoral Fellow | Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Q qPCR Instrument
My group was looking for a qPCR machine that didn’t take up much bench space or require annual maintenance, which the Q machine fits. Additional features I like include its ability to multiplex with up to 4 dyes in the same tube, its relative ease of use, and free software that can be used on anyone’s PC making it easy for everyone in the group to use. We’ve just begun using the machine, but so far I’ve been happy with the data acquisition obtained from it.
Max Rogers | Associate Director, Pathology and Toxicology Sciences
qScript 1-Step Virus ToughMix

"1-Step Virus ToughMix performed BETTER than other 3 mixes and amplified very well the S target from SARS-CoV-2 in a highly multiplex environment."

Guillermo C. | Project Coordinator Sick Kids Molecular Diagnostics Lab
sparQ DNA Frag & Library Prep Kit

“The sparQ kit safeguards samples from over fragmentation and routinely provides more consistent fragment size. Once optimized, I had peace of mind knowing my samples were safe when I got busy in the lab.”

Scientist, Laboratory Manager | Agricultural Genomics Institute
repliQa HiFi ToughMix

"Worked great amplifying two gene target from plasmid DNA. It was the first time I have performed a two step reaction and it worked great. It was awesome running everything in 23 minutes too."

Dr. Brandon L. | University of Nebraska
UltraPlex 1-Step ToughMix

"Compared to other 1-step qRT-PCR mixes we have used, UltraPlex 1-Step ToughMix (4X) Low-ROX, 500R performs with the same sensitivity when testing using SARS-CoV-2-spiked saliva samples, but is easier to use and at a significantly lower price per reaction. The mix requires little to no time to thaw, decreasing the time required when preparing samples. The mix is also conveniently aliquoted into multiple tubes, reducing the chance for contamination as opposed to a single, high volume aliquot. Overall, these factors make this a better overall product as compared to competing companies (e.g., Thermo Fisher Scientific or Zymo) and we will continue to use this moving forward."

Rhoel R. D., PhD, MPH Professor of Infectious Diseases UF Eminent Scholar Director | CDC Southeastern Regional Center of Excellence for Vector Borne Diseases
sparQ PureMag Beads

"Very easy to use and really good recovery yield."

Biologist | BATJ, Inc
sparQ PureMag Beads

"Beads performed as well in my tests as Ampure XP which I consider to be the gold standard.  Impressive results given the lower price for sparQ PureMag Beads."

Director of Sequencing Technology | University of Southern California
Extracta DBS

“The simple and elegant way to unlock genetic information”

Mei Baker, MD, FACMG | Co-Director of Newborn Screening - Wisconsin

Product Finder

Select Your Assay

Starting Template

Assay Format

Detection Chemistry

Multiplexing (more than 3 targets)

Is gene-specific priming (GSP) required?

What current Reverse Transcriptase or cDNA kit are you using?

Select the group which contains your real-time PCR cycler

  • Applied Biosystems 7500
  • Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast
  • Stratagene Mx3000P®
  • Stratagene Mx3005P™
  • Stratagene Mx4000™
  • Applied Biosystems ViiA 7
  • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™
  • Agilent AriaMx
  • Douglas Scientific IntelliQube®
  • Applied Biosystems 5700
  • Applied Biosystems 7000
  • Applied Biosystems 7300
  • Applied Biosystems 7700
  • Applied Biosystems 7900
  • Applied Biosystems 7900HT
  • Applied Biosystems 7900 HT Fast
  • Applied Biosystems StepOne™
  • Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus™
  • Quantabio Q
  • BioRad CFX
  • Roche LightCycler 480
  • QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q
  • Azure Cielo 6
  • Azure Cielo 3
  • Analytik Jena qTower
  • Analytik Jena qTOWERiris
  • Other
  • BioRad iCycler iQ™
  • BioRad MyiQ™
  • BioRad iQ™5

Choose your application from the categories below
